What is The Federal Circuit Bar Association?
We are the bar association for Court of Appeals for The Federal Circuit. Leadership of the Association comes from all areas of the country and represents all areas of the legal community of the Federal Circuit. The Association was organized to unite the different groups who practice within the legal community of the Federal Circuit. It seeks to strengthen and serve the Court through its Committees. The Association offers a forum for common concerns and dialogue between bar and court, government counsel and private practitioner, litigator, and corporate counsel. Periodically it sponsors regional seminars reviewing current practice in the Court.
What types of membership does the FCBA offer?
- Regular/Associate: Open to members in good standing of the bar of The Federal Circuit
- Young Lawyer: Open to attorneys who are under the age of 35 and meet the requirements of the Regular/Associate membership
- Small Firm: Open to attorneys who meet the requirements of the Regular/Associate membership assigned to a firm with fewer than 25 attorneys
- Government: Open to attorneys employed by a local, state or federal government agency and who meet the requirements of Regular/Associate membership
- Educator: Open to attorneys employed full time as faculty of an accredited educational body
- Retired: Open to individuals who, at one time, met the requirements of a Regular/Associate member but are no longer practicing full time.
- Students: Open to individuals enrolled in an accredited law school
- Law Clerks: Open to active law clerks at the Circuit or tribunals within The Federal Circuit
How much will membership cost me annually?
- Regular/Associate: $300.00
- Young Lawyer: $150.00
- Small Firm: $150.00
- Government: $75.00
- Educator: $75.00
- Retired: $75.00
- Students: Complimentary
- Law Clerks: Complimentary (membership will automatically expire 2 years after join date exclude career clerks that have been verified)
How can I view or update my profile?
Once you’ve logged into the website, click on the Login link at the top of the page —right corner. The first link on the left will permit you to update your profile.
Forgot password for Member Profile?
If you have forgotten your password, proceed to the member section of the home page with the login box at the top. Beneath the log in information section you will find a link that reads “Forgot your password?” Enter the e-mail address we have on file for you and your password will be e-mailed to you. If you continue to experience issues, please email us at membership@fedcirbar.org.
What is a fixed fiscal membership year?
The Federal Circuit Bar Association membership runs on a fixed fiscal year that begins July 1st and ends June 30th. Please note that the FCBA does not pro-rate memberships.
Are member benefits transferable?
Member benefits are not transferable.
As a non-member what are the costs for a webcast?
$125 (subject to change)
Can I apply for membership online?
Yes! You can join The Association through the website by either clicking the “Join FCBA” button located in the top right hand corner of the website or the Apply button in the Membership dropdown.
Can I pay my dues online? If so, how?
Yes. Once you’ve logged into the site, go to the Login link. If your membership dues are not current, the screen will automatically prompt you to pay them online once you login successfully. Another option is to click on the MEMBERSHIP tab and click the subcategory RENEW. On the left-hand side of the page, you will see a link for “Renew Membership”. If you are paid up for the membership year, a notice will appear on the screen letting you know.
I paid my annual membership dues, but just received a past due notice. Who do I talk to about this?
Our Membership Department works very hard to ensure that all records are kept as up-to-date as possible. Even so, occasionally, a dues notice and its payment may cross in the mail. If you are unsure about your membership status, contact our Membership Department. They will be more than happy to assist you.
What sponsorship opportunities are available through the Federal Circuit Bar Association?
The Federal Circuit Bar Association Leaders Circle sponsors benefit from and help guide the Association’s premier national outreach. Leaders Circle participants, both firms and corporations, stand among the most skilled in the profession. With their acumen, Leaders Circle sponsors engage core developments significant to the Federal Circuit justice community through over 20 committees (ranging from Amicus to Patent Litigation, International Trade, Government Contract, Patent and Trademark Office). The Global Series, in collaboration with other organizations, has built a broad global network exploring the best practices in legal systems around the world and how those practices — both in terms of governance and the practice of law — relate to innovation and the betterment of societies. The dialogue includes judges, business leaders, government representatives, and leading practitioners from around the globe, including representatives from the United States, the People’s Republic of China, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, and the Republic of Korea. For Leaders Circle information or to become involved now, please contact Roseanna Quinlan via email at quinlan@fedcirbar.org or telephone at (202) 765-1139. For Global Series sponsorship information or to become involved now, please contact Jeremy Atkinson via email at atkinson@fedcirbar.org or telephone at (202) 558-2406.