Government Employees Pro Bono Program
For government employees seeking pro bono assistance, please read the following information before applying for the program.
The Federal Circuit Bar Association (FCBA) will forward requests from pro se employees seeking assistance with their MSPB appeals to volunteer attorneys in the following circumstances:
- MSPB appeals before the Merit Systems Protection Board
- MSPB appeal cases at the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- The Association does not participate in any transaction/communication between an employee/applicant and the attorney.
- The Association does not represent an employee/applicant.
- Pro Bono representation is not guaranteed. Attorneys have the right to decline cases that are forwarded to them.
- If the individual applicant’s current income is less than 300% of the Federal poverty guidelines, then the applicant is financially eligible for participation in the pro bono program. The Federal poverty guidelines can be found on this site. Financial eligibility does not guarantee pro bono representation.
- If you have an upcoming deadline, please ensure that you have at least 14 days before the deadline to allow the attorneys to review your case. If your deadline for Petition for Review filing has passed, you will not be eligible for the program unless you have a compelling reason for missing the deadline.
- Once an application is received, the Association’s staff screens for income and jurisdiction. We notify applicants whether or not we will proceed with the proffering process based on the initial screening.
- Qualifying applications will be forwarded for screening. Where no attorney is available for representation, this office will notify the applicant. If you do not hear from us for 14 business days or more from the date of your application, please contact us.
- Aside from the application form below, please do not fax, email, or otherwise send any documents.
Please apply by filling in the application form below. (form may not appear properly if connected to a VPN).
PLEASE NOTE: The FCBA pro bono outreach undertakes to provide information to attorneys for consideration, by those attorneys, with respect to possible representation. As noted above, the consideration of representation is a matter for the attorney. The attorneys are not agents of the FCBA. The FCBA is pleased to offer this informational service. The outreach is not a guarantee of pro bono representation. The FCBA always reserves the right to cease, immediately, any efforts to forward information or proceed with respect to any individual who has engaged or is engaging in abusive conduct, as determined by the FCBA, in the context of this service. The Federal Circuit Bar Association is not an instrument or agency of the United States Government. Those interested in pro bono relationships are always encouraged to pursue with others, including local law schools and state bar associations, all options available to them at all times.